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Knowledge Base

Good Neighbourhood Latest Articles

Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

Good hood works on a Points System (link to the full point system knowledge base article) where points can be earned and spent. You have 2 points from signing up and that’s enough to post a track, so let’s get ...

Eastern Production techniques

Eastern Production techniques

Music production techniques in the Eastern world are as diverse and culturally rich as the music itself. The Eastern world encompasses a wide array of musical traditions, from the intricate rhythms of Indian classical music to the melodic beauty of ...

Wait Here Until You Are Useful

Wait Here Until You Are Useful

The following article was first Published by AUDollars. As the Author, I’m donating it to the Good Hood Knowledge Base. Enjoy 🙂 Imagine a world where only a select few are allowed to live creative lives, unapologetically. Conversely, I see ...

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