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Beta Survey: Earn 20-Points!

Beta Survey: Earn 20-Points!

Hey pals, thank you again for moving into the hood and becoming a good neighbour! At the time of creating this survey, you are likely one of the first people to sign-up to see what its all about: A place ...

The DJ Machine: Digging in a Hyperconnected Space

The DJ Machine: Digging in a Hyperconnected Space

THIS IS A DRAFT Today I got a message from a DJ who I’ve known for ages. They have been DJing for quite some time in the club sphere and basically was putting around to try and find out how ...

Eastern Production techniques

Eastern Production techniques

Music production techniques in the Eastern world are as diverse and culturally rich as the music itself. The Eastern world encompasses a wide array of musical traditions, from the intricate rhythms of Indian classical music to the melodic beauty of ...

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